Alexander Lopez (Environmental Engineering)

Alexander Lopez (Environmental Engineering)

About DOE Fellow:
Alex Lopez graduated from Florida International University in the Fall of 2010 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering. Alex previously participated in a summer internship with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) as a Water Facilities Intern. There he studied the Lake Worth Lagoon ecosystem, and investigated any correlations between wastewater spills/leaks in Palm Beach County and the health of the Lagoon.  He also conducted monthly discharge report reviews for two wastewater treatment plants which discharge directly into the Lagoon. Shortly after his graduation, he left DOE to work full time with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in West Palm Beach as an Engineer I. He oversees the wastewater treatment plants in Miami Dade County and also manages any enforcement cases within Miami-Dade County related to wastewater issues. Mr. Lopez is currently also pursuing a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering at Florida International University but plans to transfer to Florida Atlantic University. Alexander is now working at Kimley-Horn as a civil analyst.

Accomplishments as a DOE Fellow:
Alex worked with Dr. Prabhakar Pant, researching the 200 Area of the Hanford site in Washington.  The main focus at the time is assessing the levels of contamination present in the vadose zone of the 200 area, and which contaminants are of greatest concern.  He was also learning how to use the HYDRUS-1D program, which is a modeling software that will help aid in research efforts and provide models of uranium and other contaminants fate and transport through the unsaturated zone of the 200 area.