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Alejandro De La Noval (Computer Science)
Alejandro De La Noval is a graduate student at Florida International University and a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Fellow currently pursuing a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. […]
Aris Duani Rojas (Computer Science)
Aris Duani Rojas received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Florida International University (FIU) in May 2022. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science focused […]
Bryan Torres (Mechanical Engineering)
Bryan Torres is an undergraduate student at Florida International University pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Department of Energy (DOE) Fellow. He is expected to graduate in […]
Carolina Trummer (Environmental Engineering)
Carolina Trummer is an undergraduate student at Florida International University (FIU) pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering. Her areas of interest include environmental sustainability, bioremediation, sustainable infrastructure, and […]
Douglas Baptiste (Civil Engineering)
Douglas Baptiste is an undergraduate student at Florida International University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Department of Energy (DOE) Fellow at FIU’s Applied Research Center (ARC). After graduating with his bachelor’s […]
Gabriel Cerioni (Mechanical Engineering)
Gabriel Cerioni is pursuing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Florida International University (FIU) and as a DOE Fellow at the FIU’s Applied Research Center (FIU-ARC), his focus is on […]
Hannah Aziz (Environmental Engineering)
Hannah Aziz is a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering at Florida International University. She is interested in pursuing research in the field of sustainability, carbon sequestration, […]
Kirsten Olson (Environmental Engineering)
Kirsten Olson is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering at Florida International University (FIU). Her professional interests include environmental remediation, energy storage, and renewable energy […]
Melanie Sztybel (Civil Engineering)
Melanie Sztybel is a junior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at Florida International University and a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Fellow. Her research interests include hydrological modeling, GIS for environmental […]
/ 2022
Rafael Velasquez (Electrical Engineering)
Rafael Velasquez is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at Florida International University (FIU) and a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Fellow at FIU’s Applied Research […]
Search for a DOE Fellow
Dear Dr. Lagos,
Thank you for engraining “GANAS” in us fortunate DOE Fellows at FIU. Today, the University of Tennessee – Knoxville confirmed my Ph.D. in Energy Science and Engineering with an interdisciplinary minor in computational science. The DOE Fellows program and your mentoring will forever be impacting my life.
Very best regards,
StephenStephen Wood, Computational Engineer University of Tennessee Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (JICS)