2010 Internship Reports

Serkan Akar Serkan Akar
DOE Headquarters, Forrestal
EM Management Systems pdf icon
Amaury Betancourt Amaury Betancourt
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Understanding Mercury Transfer to the Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 pdf icon
Elsa Cabrejo Elsa Cabrejo
Oak Ridge EM Office
In Situ Remediation and Stabilization Technologies for Mercury in Clay Soils pdf icon
Denny Carvajal Denny Carvajal
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland
Uranium Toxicity to Native Microbial Communities in the Hanford 300 Area Groundwater pdf icon
Charles Castello Charles Castello
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of a Prototype Methyl-Mercury Monitor for Pore Water Analysis at Oak Ridge Reservation Creek Beds pdf icon
Ramon Colon Ramon Colon
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
Preparation of the 11th Annual Meeting Working Party on D&D pdf icon
Edgard Espinosa Edgard Espinosa
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
A Brief History of the Yucca Mountain Project pdf icon
Alexander Henao Alexander Henao
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
Disposal of Greater-Than-Class C (GTCC) Low-Level Radioactive Waste and GTCC-Like Waste pdf icon
Melina Idarraga Melina Idarraga
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
Logic Model for the Deep Vadose Zone Program at the Hanford Site pdf icon
Jose Matos Jose Matos
Hanford Site, Richland
Water Hammer Analysis pdf icon
William Mendez
William Mendez
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of Characterization Tools for Contaminated Nuclear Stacks pdf icon
Nadia Lima Nadia Lima
Savannah River Site
105-P Reactor Disassembly Basin D & E Canal Cellular Grout Laboratory Testing pdf icon
Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of Remote Tools for Characterizing and Inspecting the Inside Walls of Off-gas Stacks pdf icon
Jose Vasquez Jose Vasquez
Oak Ridge EM Office
Remedial Action Work Plan for the S-3 Ponds Site at the Y-12 National Security Complex Oak Ridge, Tennesseepdf icon
Leydi Velez Leydi Velez
DOE Headquarters, Forrestal
Risk Assessment in Support of DOE Nuclear Safety pdf icon