About DOE Fellow
Jorge Deshon is a junior undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering with a specialization in Data System Software, Computer Architecture and Microprocessor Design, and Network Engineering. His expected graduation date is in Spring 2016 and after completing his degree, he plans to attain his Master’s degree. Jorge is currently the Webmaster for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) chapter at Florida International University (FIU) and continues to develop his web development skills further on his free time. He was also inducted in Fall 2014 as a member of Tau Beta Pi and participated in the 2014 hackathon for HackFSU.
DOE Related Projects
Jorge is a DOE Fellow for the DOE-FIU Science and Technology Workforce Development Program and is under the mentorship of Himanshu Upadhyay. He is currently working on the mobile development of the Deactivation and Decommissioning Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT). This is currently a web-based knowledge management tool to help support the D&D community in sharing information around a Department of Energy site. The purpose is to have all the data the D&D community stored in one easily accessible system for current and future employees and contractors of the DOE.