• Katherine Delarosa (Environmental Engineering)

    Katherine Delarosa (Environmental Engineering)

    Where did you intern? 

Savannah River National Laboratory.

  • How did you get your internship? 

Through the DOE-FIU Science & Technology Workforce Development Program at the FIU Applied Research Center.

  • What did you do there? What projects did you work on? 

I worked on a project that investigated mercury speciation via direct mercury analyzer.

  • What was the coolest thing about your internship or that happened during your internship?

The work itself was cool, but the coolest thing about the internship was being able to travel to the neighboring states on my free time.

  • What advice do you have for those beginning the internship process? 

Study the research documentation beforehand so when you get there it’s a smoother transition to begin work and you can also enjoy time spent traveling and relaxing when you’re there.

  • What did you like most about your experience?

I liked the independence. Having my own place, even sharing a place, and just getting my work done.

  • What did you learn about yourself? 

I learned that I flourish when I’m on my own. I learned that I can survive life while being independent. And that I’m also pretty good at balancing my schedule.

  • How did the position increase your professional confidence? 

I am definitely not nervous to tackle any new projects or tasks that are going to come my way in the future. I know I can accomplish anything now without being nervous.


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