Sheidyn NG (Biomedical Engineering)
About DOE Fellow
Sheidyn Ng is currently a Senior Undergraduate student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Florida International University. Previously, she has worked on nanotechnology projects as a Laboratory Assistant with the Mechanical Engineering Department at FIU in the development of Biosensors. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree from FIU, she plans to continue her education by getting a Master’s Degree.
DOE Related Projects
Sheidyn is currently working closely with Dr. Yelena Katsenovich on the Uranium Bioremediation of the 200 area at the Hanford site in Washington State. She is studying the effect in which Arthrobacter bacteria has on Uranium Concentration. Due to the different bacterial strands, the effect on the Uranium mobility might vary. Also, with varying concentrations of Uranium, the Arthrobacter bacteria may hold effect of the Uranium mobility. This is the focus on her project due to the fact that Uranium being immobilized will reduce the contamination in the site. In further progress of the project, there will be some emphasis on using ammonia injections for Uranium Bioremediation.