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I am grateful to have been part of this program and the many values I learned throughout. Never will I forget my roots 🙂 You do an amazing job Dr. Leonel Lagos!!!
Dania Castillo, (DOE Fellow – Class of 2012) now a Transportation Designer at HDR -
DOE EM has benefited tremendously from our partnership with FIU. The caliber of the DOE Fellows are top-notch, especially in the STEM disciplines, in meeting our mission objectives.
Melody C. Bell, EM 70 acting Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) DOE Environmental Management -
Dear Dr. Lagos,
Thank you for engraining “GANAS” in us fortunate DOE Fellows at FIU. Today, the University of Tennessee – Knoxville confirmed my Ph.D. in Energy Science and Engineering with an interdisciplinary minor in computational science. The DOE Fellows program and your mentoring will forever be impacting my life.
Very best regards,
StephenStephen Wood, Computational Engineer University of Tennessee Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (JICS)
Message from Dr. Leonel Lagos, Program Director

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Dr. Leonel Lagos' Bio
Dear Dr. Lagos,
Thank you for engraining “GANAS” in us fortunate DOE Fellows at FIU. Today, the University of Tennessee – Knoxville confirmed my Ph.D. in Energy Science and Engineering with an interdisciplinary minor in computational science. The DOE Fellows program and your mentoring will forever be impacting my life.
Very best regards,
StephenStephen Wood, Computational Engineer University of Tennessee Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (JICS)