Aubrey Litzinger, Environmental Engineering

Aubrey Litzinger, Environmental Engineering

Aubrey Litzinger is a senior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering. She plans on pursuing a Master’s in Environmental Engineering at FIU. Her areas of interest include sustainability, groundwater and surface water modeling, and project management. Aubrey has held titles such as President of Engineers without Borders (EWB) as well as Student Organization Representative of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) at FIU.

As part of the DOE Fellows Program funded through the DOE-FIU Cooperative Agreement, Aubrey is helping to acquire high-resolution imagery needed to build a digital elevation model (DEM) to determine topographical and hydrologic features. The DEM will aid in developing basin-scale land surface and groundwater models that are representative of the regional hydrological conditions surrounding the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). Aubrey has also helped to develop aged concrete samples representing the concrete walls of the H-Canyon Exhaust tunnel at the Savannah River Site.