2023 2022 2021 2020
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

2023 Internship Reports

Alejandro De La Noval Alejandro De La Noval
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRLN), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Thomas Danielson
Using Natural Language Processing for Semantic Search in the Nuclear Domain pdf icon
Aris Duani Rojas Aris Duani Rojas
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA. Mentor: Timothy Johnson, Ph.D.
Automatic Monitoring of Water Seepage in the F-Area 3 Basin Cap
This report is being submitted for peer-reviewed journal publication in collaboration with DOE national lab collaborator. Report will be made available once paper is published
Aurelien  Meray Aubrey Litzinger
Florida International University, Miami, FL. Mentors: Zexuan Xu, Ph.D. & Haruko Wainwright, Ph.D.
Development of an Integrated Hydrology Spinup Model for the F-Area of Savannah River Site with the ALTEMIS Project pdf icon
Brendon Cintas Brendon Cintas
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Dr. Douglas Reid
Development of a Long-term Surveillance Unmanned Ground Vehicle (LTS-UGV) for Surveillance at the Hanford 200 Area pdf icon
Bryan Torres Bryan Torres
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRLN), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Jenniffer Wohlwend, Ph.D.
Testing of Radiation Resistant High Density Polyurethane Foam pdf icon
Josue Estrada Josue Estrada
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Douglas Reed, Ph.D.
Development of Control Software for Autonomous and User-monitored Operation of Lateral Gamma Scanner System pdf icon
Hannah Aziz Hannah Aziz
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRLN), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat, Ph.D.
Evaluating Spatial Distribution of Contaminants in the Savannah River Site F-Area using ArcGIS Interpolation Methods pdf icon
Nicholas T. Espinal Nicholas T. Espinal
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRLN), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Patrick Folk
Development of Robotic Arm for the Purpose of Glovebox Automation to Enhance Nuclear Waste Processing and Worker Safety pdf icon
Phillip Moore Phillip Moore
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentors: Douglas Reid Ph.D.
Development of a Pneumatic Manipulator for Off-Riser Sample Retrievalpdf icon
Shawn Cameron Shawn Cameron
Florida International University, Miami, FL. Mentors: Anthony Abrahao & Pieter Hazenberg, Ph.D.
Long-Term Surveillance for the Department of Energy Legacy Management’s Disposal Cell – Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Deployment pdf icon

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2022 Internship Reports

Joel Adams Joel Adams
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Douglas Reed
Development of Semi-Autonomous Robotic Manipulator for Off-Riser Sampling of Tank Waste pdf icon
Angel Almaguer Angel Almaguer
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA. Mentor: Jim Szecsody
1-D Column Flow-Through Study pdf icon
Olivia Bustillo Olivia Bustillo
DOE-LM (Grand Junction, CO) Mentor: Ken Williams
Hydroxyapatite and Uranium Interaction in Moab Groundwater and Sediment pdf icon
Stevens Charles Stevens Charles
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Hansell Gonzalez
Understanding Groundwater-Surface Water Interchange in the F-Area Wetlands of Fourmile Branch Watershed pdf icon
Brendon Cintas Brendon Cintas
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC. Mentors: Dan Lambert
Modeling of Chemical Slurry Rheology in DWPF Sludge Batch (SB) 10 Simulants pdf icon
Mariah Doughman Mariah Doughman
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA. Mentors: Nik Qafoku
Sorption and Desorption of Cr(VI) in Hanford Sediments as an Indication of Natural Attenuation Capacity pdf icon
Caridad Estrada Caridad Estrada
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), TN. Mentor: Alexander Johs
Evaluation of Sorbent Effectiveness in the Presence of Particulate Mercury Species pdf icon
Josue Estrada Josue Estrada
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Douglas Reed
Integration and Automation of Pipe Crawler and Reel System for Lateral Gamma Scanner pdf icon
David Mareno David Mareno
DOE-EM, Washington, DC. Mentors: Genia McKinley
Contributing to the DOE EM-3.2, Office of Technology Development: Dashboard Enhancements pdf icon
Philip Moore Philip Moore (Spring 2022 Internship)
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Corey Hopper
Automation of the Receipt Inspection of Criticality Control Overpacks (CCO) pdf icon
Aurelien  Meray Aurelien Meray
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Mentor: Zexuan Xu
Deep Learning Based Surrogate Modeling for Supporting Climate Resilience at Groundwater Contamination Sites pdf icon
Aurelien  Meray Aubrey Litzinger
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), NM Mentor: David Moulton
Investigation of the Workflow to Construct an Integrated Hydrology Model for Basin 6 of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) pdf icon
Phuong Pham Phuong Pham
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat, Ph.D.
Insights into the sorption and release mechanisms of Iodine-129 at Savannah River Site pdf icon
Rohan Shanbhang Rohan Shanbhag
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA. Mentor: Xuehang Song
Time Series Decomposition and Reconstruction Using Single Spectrum Analysis in the Hanford 200 West Area pdf icon
Desmond Sinnott Desmond Sinnott
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Joseph Kinnney
Automating Surplus Plutonium Disposition: Research and Design of the Blend Can Loading System pdf icon

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2021 Internship Reports

Joel Adams Joel Adams
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Alexander Pappas
Development of Semi-Autonomous Robotic Platform for Mapping Radioactive Hanford Farms pdf icon
Roger Boza Roger Boza
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID. Mentor: Ahmad Al. Rashdan, Ph.D.
Implementation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms to Facilitate and Automate Nuclear Power Plant Operations pdf icon 
Olivia Bustillo Olivia Bustillo
DOE-LM (Grand Junction, CO) Mentor: Jalena Dayvault
Summer Learning Experience pdf icon
Stevens Charles Stevens Charles
Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Mentor: Haruko Wainwright, Ph.D.
Characterization of Surface Water Dynamics within Fourmile Branch and its Linkages with Groundwater and I-129 Geochemistry pdf icon 
Brendon Cintas Brendon Cintas
Field Operations Oversight (CNS), Office of Safety Management. Mentors: Amanda Anderson, Larry Perkins
Development of an Authorized Release Limit Database pdf icon
Christian Dau Christian Dau
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID. Mentors: Ahmad Al Rashdan Ph.D., Brian Wilcken
Dataset Curation and Virtual Environment Creation for Machine Learning Tasks pdf icon
Mariah Doughman Mariah Doughman
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA. Mentor: Nikolla Qafoku, Ph.D.
Adsorption of Uranium to Hanford Formation Sediment in the Vadose Zone pdf icon 
Josue Estrada Josue Estrada
DOE-EM, Washington, DC. Mentor: Jean Pablo Pabon Quiñones
Contributing to the DOE EM-3.2, Office of Technology Development: Dashboard / Wearable Technologies Database pdf icon
Christian Gonzalez Lopez Christian Gonzalez Lopez
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory(PNNL), Richland, WA. Mentors: Mark Rockhold, Ph.D., Xuehang Song, Ph.D.
Gap-Filling Time Series Using Direct Sampling in the Hanford 100-Areas pdf icon
Gisselle Gutierrez-Zuniga Gisselle Gutierrez-Zuniga
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), NM Mentors: David Moulton, Ph.D., Daniel Livingston, M.S.
Exploration of Toolsets for Development of an Integrated Hydrology Model of Basin-6 near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) pdf icon
Aurelien  Meray Aurelien  Meray
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Mentor: Haruko Wainwright
pyLEnM Update: A Machine Learning and Data Analysis Python Package for Long-Term Soil and Groundwater Monitoring pdf icon
Philip Moore Philip Moore
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Wohlwend
Environmental Testing of Polyurethane Foams for use as 3-Dimensional Fixatives pdf icon
Jeff Natividad Jeff Natividad
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Alexander Pappas
Autonomous Navigation and Radiation Mapping Platform – Hardware Updates and Integration pdf icon
Phuong Pham Phuong Pham
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC. Mentor: Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat, Ph.D.
Sorption of Iodine Species on SRS Wetland Soils pdf icon
Eduardo Rojas Eduardo Rojas
Grand junction, CO. Mentor: Ms. Jalena Dayvault
Remote Sensing Technologies for Long-Term Surveillance of DOE-LM Sites pdf icon
Thi Tran Thi Tran
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Alexander Pappas
Autonomous Navigation and Radiation Mapping Platform – Radiation Sensor Package Development pdf icon

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2020 Internship Reports

Roger Boza Roger Boza
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID. Mentor: Mike Griffel
Artificial Intelligence Implementation for Object Detection in Route Operable Unmanned Navigation of Drones (ROUNDS) pdf icon 
Christopher Excellent (Mechanical Engineering) Christopher  Excellent
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID. Mentor: Steven Egan
Mobile Hot Cell for End-of-Life Source Management – Camera Control pdf icon
Roger Boza Gisselle  Gutierrez
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Carlsbad NM. Mentor: Anderson Ward
Processing of Time Series Data in Support of Producing a Climatological Summary of WIPP pdf icon 
Juan Carlos Morales (Public Health) Aurelien  Meray
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Mentor: Haruko Wainwright
pyLEnM: A Python Package for Long-Term Soil and Groundwater Monitoring pdf icon
Juan Carlos Morales (Public Health) Juan Carlos Morales
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, WA. Mentor: Katrina Waters
Investigation of Heavy Metal Biomarkers for the Assessment of Remediated Surface Waters pdf icon
Roger Boza Jeff  Natividad
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Alexander Pappas
Navigation and Positioning Tests for Vector Platform pdf icon 
Roger Boza Edward  Nina
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA. Mentor: Trent Fullmer
Numerical Simulation for Radioactive Waste Transfer using COMSOL Multiphysics pdf icon  (Under Review)
Juan Carlos Morales (Public Health) Michael  Thompson
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID. Mentor: Ahmad Rashdan
Flight control systems for autonomous indoor drones pdf icon

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2019 Internship Reports

Alejandro Koszarycz (Computer Science) Alejandro Koszarycz
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Risk Model for EM Decision Support Toolsetspdf icon(pending review)
Alexis Suarez Alexis Suarez
DOE HQ EM 3.2, Germantown, Maryland
Contributing to the DOE EM 4.1 and 4.12, Office of Groundwater and Subsurface Closure pdf icon
Alexis Vento Alexis Vento
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico

H-6bR Water density Stratification Investigation pdf icon
Amanda Yancoskie Amanda Yancoskie
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
2D Dam-Break Analysis of L Lake and PAR Pond Dams Using HEC-RASpdf icon
Anilegna Nunez Abreau
DOE HQ EM 3.2, Germantown, Maryland

An Assessment of Long-Term Monitoring Strategies and Developing Technologiespdf icon
Frances Elisa Zengotita (Chemistry) Frances Zengotita (Internship sponsored by the hosting institution)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA
Plutonium Migration from Estuary Sediments (Ravenglass, UK) pdf icon
Jason Soto Jason Soto
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA

Test Bed Initiative (TBI) pdf icon (pending review)
Juan Carlos Morales (Public Health) Juan Carlos Morales
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Lemont, IL
Amplicon Sequencing Assessment to Measure Microbial Community Response from Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils in Savannah River Site, Tims Branch Watershed pdf icon
Katherine Delarosa (Environmental Engineering)Silvia Garcia (Biological Sciences) Katherine Delarosa & Silvia Garcia
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Innovative Systems for Mercury Speciation pdf icon (pending review)
Patrick Uriarte Patrick Uriarte
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA

Double Shelled Tank Visual Inspectionspdf icon
Roger Boza Roger Boza
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID
Subtle Process Anomalies Detection using Machine Learning Methods pdf icon 
Ryan Cruz (Information Technology) Ryan Cruz (Internship sponsored by the hosting institution)
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID
Nuclear Cyber Ontology: Blueprint for Success in the Digital Tapestry pdf icon (not for public release)
Silvina Di Pietro (Chemistry) Silvina Di Pietro
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA
Neptunium (IV) Diffusion Rates through Bentonite Claypdf icon
Tristan Simoes-Ponce (Mechanical Engineering) Tristan Simoes-Ponce
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Mechanical Properties of Permanent Foaming Fixatives for D&D Activities pdf icon

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2018 Internship Reports

Joseph Coverston
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA
Double Shell Tank Visual and Non-Destructive Evaluation Program Plan pdf icon
Ryan Cruz (Information Technology) Ryan Cruz
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Authentication Protocol for Industrial Control Systems without Encryptionpdf icon
Clarice Davila (Mechanical Engineering) Clarice Davila
Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), WA
Utilizing OSIsoft Visualizing PI Data System for Tank Level Data pdf icon
Katherine Delarosa (Environmental Engineering) Katherine Delarosa
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Mercury Speciation via Direct Mercury Analyzer pdf icon
Michael DiBono (Mechanical Engineering) Michael DiBono
Carnegie Mellon University, CA
Deployment of the Pipe Crawling Activity Measurement System (PCAMS)pdf icon
Silvina Di Pietro (Chemistry) Silvina Di Pietro
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, WA
Iodate Reduction and Dissolution by Dithionite of Hanford Sediments pdf icon 
Christopher Excellent (Mechanical Engineering) Christopher Excellent
DOE HQ EM 3.2, Germantown, Maryland
Pipe Crawling Activity Measurement System (PCAMS) pdf icon 
Silvia Garcia (Biological Sciences) Silvia Garcia
DOE HQ EM 4.12, Germantown, Maryland
Assisting DOE EM 4.12, Office of Groundwater and Subsurface Closure pdf icon 
Alejandro Koszarycz (Computer Science) Alejandro Koszarycz
DOE HQ EM 4.11, Germantown, Maryland
DOE EM Web Refresh Project and LLNL Building 280 pdf icon 
Manuel Losada (Electrical Engineering) Manuel Losada
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
IMU Integration into Sensor Suite for Inspection of H-Canyon pdf icon
Ximena Lugo (Environmental Engineering) Ximena Lugo
DOE HQ EM 4.31, Germantown, Maryland
Regulatory Reform: A Summer Experience pdf icon 
Juan Carlos Morales (Public Health) Juan Carlos Morales
DOE HQ EM 4.31, Germantown, Maryland
Contrast of Cultures in Interagency Radiological Management Involving Human Health Reference Dose and Risk pdf icon 
Anibal Morales-Zambrana (Mechanical Engineering) Anibal Morales
Argonne National Laboratory, IL
Performance Evaluation of Augmented Teleoperation of Contact Manipulation Tasks pdf icon 
Joshua Núñez (Mechanical Engineering) Joshua Nuñez
DOE HQ EM 3.2, Germantown, Maryland
Support to the Technology Development Office pdf icon 
Tristan Simoes-Ponce (Mechanical Engineering) Tristan Simoes-Ponce
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Characterizing the Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Foams pdf icon
(limited public release, please contact lagosl@fiu.edu)
Sebastian Zanlongo (Computer Engineering) Sebastian Zanlongo
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Informative Path Planning for Mapping Radiation pdf icon 
Frances Elisa Zengotita (Chemistry) Frances Zengotita
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), NM
Potential for Transport of Cesium as Biocolloids in a High Ionic Strength System pdf icon 

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2017 Internship Reports

Alexander Piedra
Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC
High Density Polyurethane Foam for Radiation Shielding & D&D Applications
(Alexander Piedra completed his summer internship but left the DOE Fellows Program before developing a technical report.)
Andres Cremisini
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Coding a Weather Model pdf icon
Christine Wipfli (Environmental Engineering) Christine Wipfli
DOE HQ EM 4.31 Office of Regulatory Compliance, Germantown, Maryland
Supporting DOE EM 4.31, Office of Regulatory Compliance pdf icon
Frances Zengotita
Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM
The Role of Chromohalobacter on Transport of Lanthanides and Cesium in the Dolomite Mineral System pdf icon
Mohammed Albassam (Environmental Engineering) Juan Morales and Mohammed Albassam
Savannah River Site (SRS) Aiken, S.C.
Groundwater/Surface Water Interface and Radioactive Contaminant Ecological Risk Assessment Using EPA Method at the F- Area Seepage Basins pdf icon
Michael DiBono
Nuclear and Applied Robotics Group – University of Texas at Austin
Simulation of a Mobile Robotic Platform in Gazebo and RViz using ROS pdf icon
Sarah Solomon (Environmental Engineering) Ripley Raubenolt and Sarah Solomon
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Mercury Speciation via Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films Technology pdf icon
Ron Hariprashad
In-Situ Data Collection, Sampling, and Water Quality Monitoring in Tims Branch Watershed, Savannah River Site, SC
In-Situ Data Collection, Sampling, and Water Quality Monitoring in Tims Branch Watershed pdf icon
Sebastian Zanlongo (Computer Engineering) Sebastian Zanlongo
Sandia National Laboratory
Anomaly Detection and Task Planning via Neural Networks and Hierarchical Task Networks
(limited public release, please contact lagosl@fiu.edu)

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2016 Internship Reports

Alejandro Garcia (Geoscience) Alejandro Garcia
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, WA
Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) Measurements on Sediment Columns pdf icon
Alejandro Hernandez (Chemistry) Alejandro Hernandez
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
In Situ Precipitation of Silver Chloride for Treatment of 129I-Contaminated Groundwater pdf icon
Alexis Smoot (Environmental Engineering)Sarah Bird (Environmental Engineering) Alexis Smoot & Sarah Bird
DOE-EM Headquarters in Germantown, MD
Sustainability Index pdf icon
Awmna Rana (Chemistry) Awmna Rana
University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Lab on the Savannah River Site (SRS), SC
Tritium Partitioning in the Biosphere pdf icon
Christopher Strand (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Christopher Strand
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington
Calculating the Retention Storage Volume of Surface Water within a Predetermined Contour Area in Los Alamos County pdf icon
Hansell Gonzalez
Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Aiken, SC
Study of an Unrefined Humate Solution as a Possible Remediation Method for Groundwater Contamination pdf icon
Maximiliano Edrei (Mechanical Engineering) Maximiliano (Max) Edrei
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Morgantown, WV
Investigation of Ethanol as a Feasible Tracer in the Experimental Investigation of a Non-Newtonian Fluid Undergoing Pulse Jet Mixing pdf icon
Sebastian Zanlongo (Computer Engineering) Sebastian Zanlongo
Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM
Artificial Personality Synthesis
(limited public release, please contact lagosl@fiu.edu)
Silvina Di Pietro (Chemistry) Silivina Di Pietro
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA
Effects of Base Treatment and Redox Conditions on Mineral Dissolution pdf icon

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2015 Internship Reports

Anthony Fernandez
Washington River Protection Solutions at Washington State
Overview of DOE Hanford Site Single-Shell Waste Storage Tank Internship
(limited public release, please contact lagosl@fiu.edu)
Andrew De La Rosa (Computer Engineering) Andrew De La Rosa
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Division of Cyber and Computational Sciences
Using a 64-bit Disassembler to Employ Heuristic Analysis of Executable Programs using Hyperion pdf icon
Aref Shehadeh (Environmental Engineering) Aref Shehadeh
Savannah River Site (SRS) in Aiken, SC
Optimizing Remediation of I-129 using AgCl Colloidal-Sized Particles in SRS F-Area Sediments pdf icon
Christine Wipfli (Environmental Engineering) Christine Wipfli
DOE EM Headquarters, Germantown, MD
Development of Case Study Examples for ITRC Remediation of Complex Sites Subgroup pdf icon
Claudia Cardona (Environmental Engineering)
Claudia Cordona
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Washington
Geochemistry Related to NH3 Gas Used for Uranium Remediation in the Vadose Zone pdf icon
Janesler Gonzalez (Mechanical Engineering) Janesler Gonzalez
Idaho National Laboratory
Mercury Abatement via Strippable Coating Technologies pdf icon
Jesse Viera (Mechanical Engineering) Jesse Viera
Idaho National Laboratory
Mock- Up Scrubber System pdf icon
John Conley (Mechanical Engineering) John Conley
DOE Office of River Protection, WA
Stainless Steel Corrosion: Feed Properties Affecting Material Selection for LAWPS Piping at Hanford Site pdf icon
Jorge Deshon (Computer Engineering) Jorge Deshon
Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
3D Visualization pdf icon
Kiara Pazan (Environmental Engineering) Kiara Pazan
Savannah River National Lab in Aiken, South Carolina
Processing of Diffusion Samplers to Test Remediation of Uranium by Humate pdf icon
Maximiliano Edrei (Mechanical Engineering) Max Edrei
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA
Radial Jet Impingement Correlation Investigation pdf icon
Meilyn Planas (Electrical Engineering) Meilyn Planas
Washington River Protection Solutions at Washington State
Heat Transfer Calculations for the Use of an Infrared Temperature Sensor pdf icon
Natalia Duque (Environmental Engineering) Natalia Duque
Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, South Carolina
Analysis of Solar Generated Power in the Southeastern United States pdf icon
Ryan Sheffield (Mechanical Engineering) Ryan Sheffield
Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Radioactive Release pdf icon
Yoel Rotterman (Mechanical Engineering) Yoel Rotterman
Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan for DOE Sites pdf icon

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2014 Internship Reports

Anthony Fernandez
Washington River Protection Solutions, WA
Enraf & Densitometer Reference Level Updates for High-Level Nuclear Waste Tanks at Hanford Site pdf icon

Carmela Vallalta
Washington River Protection Solutions, Hanford Site
Analysis of Tank Chemistry Compliance with Chemistry Specification in Double-Shell Tanks pdf icon
Christian Pino
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA
Use of XRF to Characterize Pre-Hanford Orchards in the 100-OL-1 Operable Unit  pdf icon
Deanna Moya
Washington, D.C. – DOE Headquarters EM
Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management pdf icon

Hansell Gonzalez
Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
Study of an Unrefined Humate Solution as a Possible Remediation Method for Groundwater Contamination  pdf icon

Natalia Duque
Washington, D.C. – DOE Headquarters EM
Sustainable Remediation and Literature Review for Savannah River Site A/M Area Groundwater Remediation System  pdf icon

Robert Lapierre
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA
Studying the NH3 Injection Methodology Proposed for Remediation of the Hanford Deep Vadose Zonepdf icon

Sasha Philius
DOE Office of River Protection, WA
HVAC Design Assessments for the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant  pdf icon

Steve Noel
Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
Development of Web Applications for Savannah River Site  pdf icon

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2013 Internship Reports

Jennifer Arniella Jennifer Arniella
Washington River Protection Solutions, WA
Analysis of Life Expectancy for Waste Transfer Lines Located in SY-Farm at Hanford Site pdf icon
Dayron Chigin
Dayron Chigin
Washington River Protection Solutions, Hanford Site
Preventative Maintenance Procedures for Sensors along PC-5000 Condensate Transfer Line pdf icon
Joel McGill Joel McGill
Washington, D.C. – DOE Headquarters EM
Office of Environmental Management International Program pdf icon
Valentina Padilla
Valentina Padilla
Savannah River National Laboratory
SRS In Situ Bioremediation Techniques and F-area Post Molasses Injection Analysis pdf icon
Paola Sepulveda
Paola Sepulveda
DOE HQ Office of Soil and Groundwater EM-12
Database of Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Systems pdf icon
Gabriela Vazquez
Gabriela Vazquez
Office of Waste Management (EM-30)
Low Level and Mixed Low Level Waste Treatment Technology and Orphan Waste Stream Identification pdf icon

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2012 Internship Reports

Claudia Cardona Claudia Cardona
Washington, D.C. – DOE Headquarters
Database of Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Systems pdf icon
Elicek Delgado-Cepero
Elicek Delgado-Cepero
Sullivan International Inc, Chicago, IL
Metal Remediation of the Zinc Site pdf icon
Janty Ghazi Janty Ghazi
Washington, D.C. – DOE Headquarters
Hydrogen in Pipes and Ancillary Vessels (HPAV) pdf icon
Heidi Henderson
Heidi Henderson
DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
Analysis of Oak Ridge National Laboratory Outfall 211 Contributing Drainage Areas pdf icon
Eric Inclan
Eric Inclan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
Development of Pre-processing Software for Lattice Boltzmann Fluid Dynamics Solver pdf icon
Robert Lapierre
Robert Lapierre
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA
Single Pass Flow-Through Testing of Metals pdf icon
Lilian Marrero
Lilian Marrero
Sullivan International Inc, Chicago, IL
An Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compound Contamination at Two Superfund Sites  pdf icon
An Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compound Contamination at Two Superfund Sites: Appendices pdf icon
Joshua Midence
Joshua Midence
Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
Saltstone Processing of Low-Level Waste at Savannah River Site pdf icon
Jaime Mudrich
Jaime Mudrich
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, WA
Development of a Parallel, 3D, Lattice Boltzmann Method CFD Solver for Simulation of Turbulent Reactor Flow pdf icon
Ximena Prugue
Ximena Prugue
Washington River Protection Solutions, WA
Development of Mechanical Systems for Dry Retrieval of Single Shell Tank Waste at Hanford pdf icon
Revathy Venkataraman
Revathy Venkataraman
Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge Reservation, TN
Y-12 EMBOS Medical Lab Interface Batch Loader pdf icon

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2011 Internship Reports

Amaury Betancourt Amaury Betancourt
Savannah River National Laboratory, SC
Tin Distribution and Fate in Tims Branch at the Savannah River Site pdf icon
Givens Cherilus
Givens Cherilus
Savannah River Site, SC
Saltstone Liquid Permeability and Formed Core Grout Sampler pdf icon
Alexander Henao Alexander Henao
Moab Site, Utah
Heidi Henderson
Heidi Henderson
Washington, D.C.DOE Headquarters
Office of Environmental Management International Program pdf icon
Janty Ghazi
Janty Ghazi
Washington River Protection Solutions/ Areva Federal Services, WA
Electrical Upgrades for Hanford Supporting Facilitiespdf icon
Rinaldo Gonzalez Galdamez
Rinaldo Gonzalez
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA
Soil Mesh Optimization and Preliminary FEA Study of Tank-to-Tank Interaction for Hanford Type IV SST pdf icon
Jose Matos
Jose Matos
Washington River Protection Solutions/ Areva Federal Services, WA
Agitated Thin- Film Evaporator pdf icon
William Mendez
William Mendez
Savannah River Site, SC
Formed Core Sampler pdf icon
Sheidyn NG
Sheidyn Ng
Washington, D.C.DOE Headquarters
U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters Environmental Management (EM-20) Office of Safety and Security Program pdf icon
Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA
Air Flow Calculations for the Centralized Waste Processing Line (CWPL) Glovebox pdf icon

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2010 Internship Reports

Serkan Akar Serkan Akar
DOE Headquarters, Forrestal
EM Management Systems pdf icon
Amaury Betancourt Amaury Betancourt
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Understanding Mercury Transfer to the Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 pdf icon
Elsa Cabrejo Elsa Cabrejo
Oak Ridge EM Office
In Situ Remediation and Stabilization Technologies for Mercury in Clay Soils pdf icon
Denny Carvajal Denny Carvajal
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland
Uranium Toxicity to Native Microbial Communities in the Hanford 300 Area Groundwater pdf icon
Charles Castello Charles Castello
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of a Prototype Methyl-Mercury Monitor for Pore Water Analysis at Oak Ridge Reservation Creek Beds pdf icon
Ramon Colon Ramon Colon
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
Preparation of the 11th Annual Meeting Working Party on D&D pdf icon
Edgard Espinosa Edgard Espinosa
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
A Brief History of the Yucca Mountain Project pdf icon
Alexander Henao Alexander Henao
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
Disposal of Greater-Than-Class C (GTCC) Low-Level Radioactive Waste and GTCC-Like Waste pdf icon
Melina Idarraga Melina Idarraga
DOE Headquarters, Germantown
Logic Model for the Deep Vadose Zone Program at the Hanford Site pdf icon
Jose Matos Jose Matos
Hanford Site, Richland
Water Hammer Analysis pdf icon
William Mendez
William Mendez
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of Characterization Tools for Contaminated Nuclear Stacks pdf icon
Nadia Lima Nadia Lima
Savannah River Site
105-P Reactor Disassembly Basin D & E Canal Cellular Grout Laboratory Testing pdf icon
Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Development of Remote Tools for Characterizing and Inspecting the Inside Walls of Off-gas Stacks pdf icon
Jose Vasquez Jose Vasquez
Oak Ridge EM Office
Remedial Action Work Plan for the S-3 Ponds Site at the Y-12 National Security Complex Oak Ridge, Tennesseepdf icon
Leydi Velez Leydi Velez
DOE Headquarters, Forrestal
Risk Assessment in Support of DOE Nuclear Safety pdf icon

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2009 Internship Reports

Cristian Acevedo Cristian Acevedo
Savannah River Site, SC
Determining the Effects of Radiation on Aging Concrete of Nuclear Reactors pdf icon
Serkan Akar Serkan Akar
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN
Biosensor Development for Detection/Quantification of Phosphate in Hanford Contaminated Area pdf icon
Amaury Betancourt Amaury Betancourt
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), WA
Adsorption of Dissolved Metals in the Berkeley Pit using Thiol-SAMMS pdf icon
Lee Brady Lee Brady
Nuvision Engineering Inc, NC
NuVision Engineering Power Fluidics™ System: Improving the Efficiency of Enhanced Chemical Cleaning pdf icon
Duriem Calderim
Columbia-Energy & Environmental Services WA
Wiped Film Evaporator Pilot- Scale Experimental Design Data Analysis pdf icon
Charles Castello Charles Castello
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN
Mercury Remediation using Dow’s Experimental XUS-43604.00 Ion-Exchange Resin at Oak Ridge National Laboratory pdf icon
Ramon Colon Ramon Colon
DOE Headquarters, Washington, DC
Compendium of Technology Providers, Experts, & University/Commercial Research Programs Applicable to D&D pdf icon
Raul Dominguez
Columbia-Energy & Environmental Services WA
Temperature Profiles for Single Shell Tank Closure through Mass Grout Pours pdf icon
Edgard Espinosa Edgard Espinosa
Nuvision Engineering Inc, NC
NuVision Support: Demonstration of Power Fluidic™ Mixing Technology to Enhance Chemical Cleaning Operations in High Level Waste Tanks pdf icon
Alexander Henao Alexander Henao
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho
Separation of Metal and Metal Oxides using Ethyl Acetate and Bromine pdf icon
Melina Idarraga Melina Idarraga
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), WA
The Dissolution of Natural Autunite as a Function of Aqueous Bicarbonate pdf icon
Rosa Ramirez
DOE Headquarters, Washington, DC
Stephen Woods
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) TN
Verification and Validation of the AMROC Fluid Solver Framework Coupling with DYNA3D within the Virtual Test Facility Fluid Structure Interaction Suite pdf icon

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2008 Internship Reports

Serkan Akar Serkan Akar
Hanford Site
Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) – Pre-Engineering Platform (PEP) Automated Operation Control via Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) pdf icon
Denisse Aranda
DOE Headquarters-Washington DC
Internet Concept Development and Web Design for EM–20 pdf icon
Danny Brenner
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Modification and Instrumentation of a Siemens In Vitro X-ray CT Scanner for Bioenergy Sample Characterization pdf icon
Henry Diaz
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Building and Employment of a GUI for a Stochastic Simulation and Optimization Tool Used to Study Cargo Inspection Protocols pdf icon
Alexander Henao Alexander Henao
Hanford Site
Caustic Dissolution of Chromium Compounds Present in Hanford Tanks pdf icon
William Mendez
William Mendez
Oak Ridge
 National Laboratory (ORNL)
Characterization of Contaminated Stacks at Nuclear Facilities pdf icon
Merlin Ngachin
Hanford Site
External Exposure of the United States Population from Terrestrial Sources of Radiation pdf icon
Amy Pahmer
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Coal-Bed Methane Produce Water Treatment pdf icon
Jose Rivera
Idaho National Lab
Department Of Energy (DOE) Pipeline Unplugging Requirements Development pdf icon
Jose Vasquez
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Chemical Reduction/Volatilization to Remove Mercury from East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) pdf icon
Leydi Velez Leydi Velez
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Decision Support Tool for Prioritization of Surveillance and Maintenance Funds across all Excess Facilities pdf icon

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