DOE/FIU Science & Technology Workforce Development Program


  • Derek Gabaldon (Mechanical Engineering)

    Derek Gabaldon (Mechanical Engineering)

    Derek Gabaldon is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering at Florida International University (FIU). Derek’s professional interests include applied mechanics, robotics, and engineering design. […]

  • Gisselle Gutierrez-Zuniga is a senior pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering. She hopes to pursue her Master's in Civil Engineering with a focus on Water Resources at FIU. Her areas of interest include bioremediation, sustainability, groundwater and surface water modeling, and environmental policy and management. Gisselle is the Event Coordinator of Engineers without Borders, Marketing Director of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and Aesthetics Captain of ASCE's Concrete Canoe team. She is also an active member of the Water Environment Federation, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, and American Society for Photogrammetry and Sensing. Gisselle is passionate about the global sustainability and encouraging others to be eco-conscious for the greater good of humanity. 
As part of the DOE Fellows Program funded through the DOE-FIU Cooperative Agreement, Gisselle is working on acquiring high resolution imagery needed to build a high resolution digital elevation model (DEM) for detailed delineation/extraction of topographical and hydrologic features to be used for development of basin-scale land surface and groundwater models of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) and its surrounding region.

    Gisselle Gutierrez (Environmental Engineering)

    Gisselle Gutierrez-Zuniga is pursuing a Master’s in Civil Engineering with a focus on Water Resources at FIU. Her areas of interest include bioremediation, sustainability, groundwater and surface water modeling, and […]

  • Daniel Martin (Electrical Engineering)

    Daniel Martin (Electrical Engineering)

  • Aurelien Meray (Computer Science)

    Aurelien Meray (Computer Science)

    Aurelien Meray is pursuing a Ph.D. in computer science with a focus on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) at Florida International University (FIU). Aurelien currently works as a graduate […]

  • Philip Moore (Mechanical Engineering)

    Philip Moore (Mechanical Engineering)

    Philip Moore is an undergraduate student at Florida International University seeking a degree in Mechanical engineering. His professional interests include mechanical design and robotics. Philip anticipates graduating in 2022 and […]

  • Jeff Natividad (Mechanical Engineering)

    Jeff Natividad (Mechanical Engineering)

    Jeff Natividad is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering at Florida International University with an anticipated graduation date of Fall 2021. His interests include […]

  • Edward Nina (Mechanical Engineering)

    Edward Nina (Mechanical Engineering)

  • Anilegna Nunez Abreu (Mechanical Engineering)

    Anilegna Nunez Abreu (Mechanical Engineering)

    Anilegna Nunez Abreu is an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering at Florida International University. Her professional interests include materials engineering, mechanical design, prototyping, and programming.  She spent her past […]

  • Heily Revoll Caballero (Civil Engineering)

    Heily Revoll Caballero (Civil Engineering)

    Heily Revoll Caballero is an undergraduate student pursuing bachelor’s in Civil Engineering program at Florida international University. Heily expected graduate in spring 2020 and plans to continue with doctorate program […]

  • Michael Thompson (Electrical Engineering)

    Michael Thompson (Electrical Engineering)

    Michael Thompson is a graduate student pursuing his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering at Florida International University, he also graduated from FIU in spring 2018 with a Bachelor’s of Science […]

  • Rocio Trimino Gort (Environmental Engineering)

    Rocio Trimino Gort (Environmental Engineering)

    Rocio Trimino Gort is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering at Florida International University. Rocio has been on the Dean’s List since Spring 2018 […]

  • Nathalie Tuya
(Environmental Engineering)

    Nathalie Tuya (Environmental Engineering)

    Nathalie Tuya is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Environmental Engineering at Florida International University with an expected graduation date of May 2021. Her research interests […]

  • Beatriz Perasso (Environmental Engineering)

    Beatriz Perasso (Environmental Engineering)

    Beatriz Perasso is an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering at Florida International University. Beatriz plans to graduate in May 2021. She discovered her passion for Environmental […]

  • Olivia Bustillo (Environmental Engineering)

    Olivia Bustillo (Environmental Engineering)

    Olivia Bustillo is pursuing her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering and is expected to graduate in fall of 2021. She plans to continue her education with a master’s […]



  • Dear Dr. Lagos,
    Thank you for engraining “GANAS” in us fortunate DOE Fellows at FIU.  Today, the University of Tennessee – Knoxville confirmed my Ph.D. in Energy Science and Engineering with an interdisciplinary minor in computational science.  The DOE Fellows program and your mentoring will forever be impacting my life.
    Very best regards,

    Stephen Wood, Computational Engineer University of Tennessee Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (JICS)