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Sebastian Zanlongo (Computer Science)
Sebastian Zanlongo is a graduate student at Florida International University studying computer science with a specialization in motion planning and machine learning. He graduated in Spring 2013 with his bachelor’s […]
Gene Yllanes (Electrical Engineering)
Gene Yllanes is an undergraduate student working on his B.S. in electrical engineering with a minor in humanities. His concentrations in the E.E. program include data system software, integrated nano-technology […]
Alexis Smoot (Environmental Engineering)
Alexis Smoot is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Engineering at Florida International University (FIU). She has served on the executive board as president of the […]
Iti Mehta (Mechanical Engineering)
Iti Mehta is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and a professional certificate in robotics at Florida International University. Previously, she worked as an […]
Alejandro Garcia (Geoscience)
Alejandro Garcia is a graduate student pursuing an M.S in geoscience with a focus on geophysics at Florida International University. Mr. Garcia plans to pursue a Ph.D. after graduating. He […]
Sarah Bird (Environmental Engineering)
Sarah Bird is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental engineering at Florida International University (FIU). She is a member of the FIU Honors College and […]
Christopher Strand (Civil and Environmental Eng)
Christopher Strand is currently an undergraduate student at Florida International University pursuing his Bachelor of Science in civil engineering, along with a professional certificate in environmental and water resources. He […]
Awmna Rana (Chemistry)
Ms. Awmna Kalsoom Rana is currently pursuing dual Bachelor of Science degrees in chemistry and biological science at Florida International University (FIU). Her expected graduation date is May 2018. She […]
Alejandro Hernandez (Chemistry)
Alejandro Hernandez is currently an undergraduate student at Florida International University (FIU) pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry. Mr. Hernandez is now in his senior year and has an […]
Orlando Gomez (Physics)
Orlando Olivas-Gomez is a graduate student at Florida International University pursuing his Ph.D. in physics with a specialization in nuclear physics. He graduated in the spring of 2015 with a […]
Erim Gokce (Mechanical Engineering)
Erim Gokce is currently an undergraduate student at Florida International University pursuing his Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering, along with a professional certificate in HVAC design. He expects to […]
Silvina Di Pietro (Chemistry)
Silvina A. Di Pietro graduated from Florida International University in the fall of 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in chemistry. After working as a middle school science teacher and […]
Search for a DOE Fellow
Dear Dr. Lagos,
Thank you for engraining “GANAS” in us fortunate DOE Fellows at FIU. Today, the University of Tennessee – Knoxville confirmed my Ph.D. in Energy Science and Engineering with an interdisciplinary minor in computational science. The DOE Fellows program and your mentoring will forever be impacting my life.
Very best regards,
StephenStephen Wood, Computational Engineer University of Tennessee Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (JICS)