Jose Matos (Mechanical Engineering)
About DOE Fellow
Jose Matos obtained his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. His interests include robotics, mechanical design, machining, and alternative energies. Jose is currently working as mechanical engineer I for Beckman Coulter.
DOE Related Projects
Jose is currently working under his mentor, Amer Awwad, on the SLIM and ITSM projects. SLIM stands for Solid Liquid Interface Monitor and it is a device capable of deploying a sonar device into radioactive waste tanks in order to obtain three dimensional imaging of the interior. ITSM stands for In- Tank Solids Monitor and consists of an array of devices that take samples of radioactive slurries and provides a reading of the percent solids. As of now, Jose’s main focus has been mechanical design and testing for both devices. However, he has also assisted in and personally completed some of the machining work for components that go into these devices.